Let us do the work


Free Consultation

Working with an attorney for credit restoration can be a game-changer. An experienced attorney can provide legal advice, help you understand your rights, and guide you through the process of disputing errors on your credit report.


We Look At Your Credit Report

The first step in credit restoration is understanding your credit report. This document contains detailed information about your credit history, including your payment history, the amount of debt you owe, and the length of your credit history.


We Identify Errors

Once you have a copy of your credit report, review it carefully for errors. These could range from incorrect personal information to inaccurate account details. If you find any errors, dispute them with the credit bureaus.


We Make a Plan to Reduce Your Debt

Try to pay off as much debt as possible. The amount of debt you owe accounts for approximately 30% of your credit score.


You Avoid New Debt

While working on restoring your credit, avoid taking on new debt as much as possible.


Build a Positive Credit History

Establishing a history of responsible credit use can help improve your score over time.

Start on the road to a debt free future

Credit restoration is not just about fixing your past mistakes, but also about preparing for a brighter future. It’s about regaining control of your finances and achieving your dreams, whether it’s buying a new home, starting a business, or simply living without the burden of debt.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Good quality, very professional. The firm worked with me through a creditor legal matter and assisted me every step of the way. My experience was pleasant and I am very pleased with their representation. Matter was resolved to my satisfaction.

Herbert Harris



Frequently Asked Questions

Credit restoration, also known as credit repair, is a process that helps you improve your credit score by identifying errors in your credit report and disputing inaccurate information with the relevant credit bureaus. It’s about taking control of your financial health and working towards a brighter future.

Why is Credit Restoration Important?

Your credit score is more than just a number. It’s a reflection of your financial reliability and can impact various aspects of your life, from securing a mortgage or car loan to landing your dream job. A poor credit score can close doors, while a good one can open up opportunities. That’s why restoring your credit is so crucial.

Can I Restore My Credit Myself?

Absolutely! You have every right to dispute inaccuracies on your own. However, the process can be time-consuming and requires a deep understanding of the credit industry’s laws and regulations. That’s where professional credit restoration services come in handy – they have the experience and resources to handle the process efficiently.

How Long Does Credit Restoration Take?

The duration of the credit restoration process varies depending on the complexity of disputes and the responsiveness of credit bureaus. It could take anywhere from a few months to over a year. Remember, restoring your credit is not an overnight fix but a journey towards better financial health.

Does Paying Off Old Debts Improve Credit Score?

Paying off old debts won’t instantly boost your credit score, but it can positively impact your overall financial picture in the long run. It reduces your debt-to-income ratio and shows lenders that you’re committed to meeting financial obligations.